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Digital Marketing

When do I really need marketing?

By Elena Herweyer | Jul 31 2021

We often hear from our clients: “Do I really need marketing if all is going okay in the business and I have reasonable sales?” Most business owners decide to do marketing and invest in advertising only when they see their business slowing and it is necessary to increase sales fast.
Successful business owners behave totally differently. They know marketing is an ongoing part of running a successful business. For every business, awareness and trust are essential and if you use, for example, content marketing consistently it helps achieve both. Marketing fuels businesses to build trust and bring their brand to the top of the mind of their audience.
Recently, when we talked to one owner of a retail store that has existed for decades in the local market, he asked us: “Do I really need to advertise my store if people know it? I used advertising a long time ago, but I didn’t add more customers from that.” If you take your needs sales to the marketplace via special offers or one-time advertising, it won’t bring you desired results. This is because you will fail to market on an ongoing basis and your prospective customers have no real awareness of your business. If there is no awareness it means no trust. So, even if your prospective clients have a requirement, the marketing fails. People always buy from providers they know and trust. A competitor who does regular marketing and whose brand is already known has the prospective client’s awareness and trust. This is the answer to the question above why advertising didn’t work.
So, you have to know that if you want to be on top of the mind of your prospective customers you need to make marketing an ongoing part of your business. It is not something you do when times are tough, and a crisis is on your doorstep. Think about updating your social media pages regularly, creating interesting newsletters that will give value to your audience, participating in local events and making your brand communication engaging and interesting. If you do it right, you will find you never have to market from a position of need again.
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