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Brand Development

Guide #6 Word of Mouth

By Elena Herweyer | Mar 15 2022

Two weeks ago, we took a look at the importance of online marketing. Now that you have all of the basics of your brand strategy, we want to give you our best possible advice on making your marketing and branding strategy a success.

Your branding rises and falls with a customer’s perception of your brand. Despite all of the new technology, word of mouth is still one of the strongest advertising tools. But how can you influence what people say about you? Here are some tips:
Deliver what you promise
Every time you create a slogan, product, or marketing campaign, you create expectations. If you have a specific branding strategy, you create expectations. If you want to grow and last longer than the average business, you need to keep your promises and exceed your customers’ expectations. This is the number one way to influence word of mouth.

Train yourself and your employees to be aware of the promises you make and the expectations customers have; then create systems to exceed these promises. Take a look back at our guide “Who is your target audience?” and write guidelines for you and your staff to reply to customer inquiries.
Provide impeccable customer service
The biggest influence you can have on word of mouth is through your customer service. This separates you from your competition.

Instead of an automated telephone system, invest in a proficient employee to handle customer requests directly. Instead of waiting three days to reply, answer inquiries within minutes. Don’t be stingy when a customer wants to replace the product he/she bought. Satisfying your customer pays in the long run: you’re investing in keeping current customers happy instead of trying to find new ones.

Your customers will notice and appreciate your efforts. Imagine calling a large bank and not being directed to an automated system. Instead, you reach a human being who solves your problem in one call. This would make your life much easier, and you would likely recommend this bank to a friend or colleague.
Continuously improve your product
If you have a successful product, don’t stop there. Connect with your customers and find out how to create an even better product. If you ask properly, people will want to help you succeed. In the end, your customers will get a better product and feel more connected to your brand.
In summary, figure out how you can do things even better than your competition does. Your customers are the best source for answers. But if you feel overwhelmed and want some clear guidance, call us for a free branding consultation.
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